From previous clients:

“After years and years of trying different health and nutrition approaches, I found myself broken and defeated by the view I had of myself. I had lower self-confidence than ever before and was feeling desperate for my body to reflect my hard work. One Monday morning, like most Mondays, I was spiraling but my thoughts were darker than usual. I saw a TikTok by Taylor and it hit me just how bad my food obsession and body negativity had gotten. I reached out and started working with Taylor right away. My mind has transformed. I feel food freedom and body neutrality more than ever before. Honest to God, I didn’t think it was possible. I get emotional just thinking how far Taylor has helped me grow. My life is forever changed and I am forever grateful.” Ricki M.

Working with Taylor has been one of the best things to happen in my ED recovery! It’s been several years into the recovery process, but my brain was continually clouded by food noise. I thought I knew what my body needed, but what I actually knew was how to stick with a plan. However, working with Taylor I’m not only recovering nutritionally, I actually understand the nourishment my body needs and how to shift my whole food mindset. I’ve made the best progress with her and have an understanding of nutrition and intuitive eating that will carry me through the rest of my life, not just a quick fix on the surface. Absolutely worth the investment and then some!!” Courtney M.

1:1 Coaching

  • Are you tired of constantly feeling stuck in the yo-yo cycle? You’ve done every diet under the sun but nothing works?

  • Do you genuinely want to improve your physical and mental well-being but you’re scared of falling back into old patterns?

  • Are you tired of feeling controlled by thoughts of food in every scenario you’re in?

  • Do you want to learn how to navigate all the nutrition BS and figure out what’s right for YOU?

  • You want to eat foods you love without shame or guilt?

  • Have you been searching for a coach or professional who actually cares about YOU?

If you just nodded along, let’s chat.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Take the guess work out of your nutrition. Taylor takes a gentle and subjective approach to nutrition to help you create a unique, personalized plan tailored to your lifestyle. Actually understand how food, macronutrients, and micronutrients benefit you in a variety of ways.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving nutrition and health goals. Taylor works with you to identify triggers for emotional eating, food noise, and work through creating a more positive relationship with your body and food.

  • Integrative

    Since health does not equate to weight loss, we’ll be touching on actual habits that lead you to sustainable health and wellness. Taylor focuses on the five pillars of health: nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress management, and hydration.

Empower yourself with the confidence and knowledge to break free from diet culture.

master your metabolism: nourish without number

You want to learn how to eat, not how to follow another diet, I get it and that’s why we created Master Your Metabolism: Nourish without Numbers.

You've been fantasizing about a life where you can eat without guilt, nourish your body intuitively, and embrace a balanced approach to health.

...but everything you have tried feels like a temporary fix, a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn't take into account your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

You don't want to follow another diet or count calories for the rest of your life.

Quick-fix solutions all seem sooo tempting (but ultimately unsustainable) and you def don't want to spend all day obsessing over food and battling with your body.

You want to find an approach to health and wellness that actually helps you thrive and makes a lasting impact.

That allows you to have complete freedom and flexibility over your food choices, lifestyle and relationship with your body.

With the ability to experience vibrant energy, balanced hormones, and optimal health.

Whether you're enjoying a nourishing meal OR indulging in your favorite treats.

The Answer?

Embracing + embodying the principles of intuitive eating and holistic wellness. Master your Metabolism: Nourish without Numbers.

Click the link below to find out more:

Food freedom course

This self-paced course is the perfect way to dive deep into the world of intuitive eating, where dieting myths are debunked, and a joyful relationship with food is created! This course is your golden ticket to understanding how to listen to your body's cues, enjoy meals without guilt, and create nourishing, balanced plates that satisfy both your nutritional needs and taste buds

  • Topics like: rewiring your body mage, understanding macronutrients, how to build balanced plate, and understand blood sugar, plus SO much more.

  • Weekly fueling plans created by Taylor that are easy, balanced, and focused on balancing blood sugar and prioritizing protein.

  • Weekly challenges and sharing among a group of bad ass women all looking to heal their relationship with food.